Traction therapy

One of the modern methods of treating back pain is spinal traction or traction therapy. The most common causes of pain in these cases is deformation and convergence of vertebral bodies, protrusion of intervertebral discs,

The formation of intervertebral hernias, which leads to compression and irritation of the nerve roots. Extension of the spine eliminates the cause of pain, and not only the pain itself, which makes the method particularly valuable.

Traction therapy - is a soft slow traction, which gradually and systematically affects the spine, its ligaments, muscles and joints.

Such an extension allows:

  • Restore the normal distance between the vertebrae, release the pinched roots and nerves, eliminate their compression and trauma
  • Remove deep muscle spasm
  • Reduce herniated discs, reducing their pressure on surrounding tissues Normalize blood circulation and lymph drainage, improving nutrition of tissues and reducing edema in the area of inflammation
  • Reduce pain or completely relieve you from pain
  • To develop hard-to-reach muscles and ligaments of the spine, to increase the volume of active movements in the spine, thereby prolonging work capacity and improving the quality of life
  • Strengthen the ligament-muscular corset
  • Correct the curvature of the spine of 1-2 degrees (scoliosis, hyperkiphosis)

Often the pain associated with the compression of the nerve roots disappears already during the first stretching session. But for a sustainable result, a course of procedures is required.

For the convenience of patients, we created special three-month programs - Traffic therapy "LITE" and "PREMIUM". The cost of programs is 20% lower than the cost of a complex of the same services, paid separately

In our clinic, experienced neurologists perform traction therapy of the spine by the method of "dry" traction on the modern decompression traction apparatus Triton DTS ("Chattanooga Group", USA).

Carrying out of traction therapy

Extension of the spine is carried out on the modern system Triton DTS ("Chattanooga Group", USA) - the gold standard of decompression traction therapy, providing a controlled, tailored to the needs of a particular patient, a phased impact.

Extension takes about 30-45 minutes. The patient is in a comfortable position, and at any time can stop the procedure by pressing the alarm button.

On the first and second day of menstruation, procedures are not carried out.

For effective treatment

To achieve the maximum effect from traction therapy it is necessary:

  • Pass the primary consultation of a neurologist to clarify the degree of lesion of the spine and determine individual parameters of tension
  • Each session is performed by a neurologist. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and adjust the parameters of tension during treatment
  • Repeated consultation of a neurologist to assess the effectiveness of treatment and receive further recommendations
  • Before each session of spinal traction, a 30-minute manual massage of the vertebral column, including all parts of the spine
  • After each procedure, necessarily putting on a fixing corset or collar. After each session, it is necessary to wear a corset for 2-4 hours. Also during this time it is recommended to give the spine rest (exclude slopes, sharp turns, lifting weights)

If you have years of back pain, and pills and ointments have not helped for a long time, if you want to live a full life, but do not believe that it is possible, specialists of the Lukmoni Hakim clinic will prove the opposite with the help of traction therapy, giving you the joy of active movements !!

Medical equipment

By collaborating with leading manufacturers and importers of medical technology in Europe and Russia, the company is the supplier of the widest range of high quality medical devices and equipment.

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