Our cosmetologists are primarily doctors, from whom you will get a guaranteed and safe result. After all, attempts to solve aesthetic problems on their own are a difficult and inefficient way. "Funds from the store" act superficially and often harm if picked up incorrectly. For a long time to keep the skin healthy and young, to stay beautiful and be confident only an experienced cosmetologist will help you.
A cosmetologist is needed if you want ...
- Make skin healthy Scrubs, cream, ointments only mask outward manifestations - acne, acne, dryness or fatness of the skin. But the ailment remains. The cosmetologist will find the reasons for your problems and will offer an effective integrated solution.
- Remove age-related changes Over time, there are shortcomings that are beyond the power of any modern expensive creams. To effectively correct them, only modern apparatuses, injection and laser techniques are needed.
- Becoming beautiful without surgery If you are not ready for plastic surgery, the beautician with the help of modern techniques will help improve your appearance without surgical procedures, preserving its beauty and naturalness.
- To look young To look young even in mature years, it is necessary to take care of this in advance. The sooner the beautician begins to help you take care of yourself, the longer you will be young and beautiful.
You start with a consultation. The cosmetologist will make an exact plan of action. If you start the procedure on the same day, the consultation will be free for you.
We will help you
Look younger:
- Smooth and reduce wrinkles
- Increase elasticity and elasticity
- Improve the structure and complexion
- Saturate the skin with moisture and oxygen
Eliminate imperfections:
- Get rid of stretch marks and post acne
- Make scarles less visible
- Reduce pores and align the relief
- Forget about cellulite and flabbiness of the skin
- Cure acne
- Remove vascular "stars"
Get rid of excess:
- Remove tattoos and tattooing
- Remove unwanted hair
- To correct increased local sweating
Make yourself even more beautiful:
- Find the desired contour of the face
- Change the shape of the lips, cheekbones and eyebrows
- To improve quality and volume of hair
- Adjust the shape
How do we achieve the result?
Doctors of high qualification
High qualification and many years of experience of our cosmetologists, modern equipment and certified products guarantee you a high responsibility for the procedures and 100% safety. Our doctors constantly improve their skills, receive certificates, learn the latest technologies and help you look irresistible.
Choose a specialist
Effective approaches to treatment and prevention
To remove aesthetic imperfections is safe for health, we approach problems in a comprehensive manner and accurately diagnose the causes. If necessary, consult with related specialists. And we select solutions individually, so that each next procedure strengthens the effect of the previous one.
Injection cosmetology
A quick way to make yourself even more beautiful. In just a few days you can simulate the desired contour of the face, restore the lost volume and return the skin Mesotherapy - classical and factional
- Mesonites and threads Aptos
- Biorevitalization
- Biostimulation and bioremediation
- Contour plastic face
- Botox and xeomin injections
- Autologous cell rejuvenation
- Placenta therapy
- Elasticity and smoothness.
Hardware techniques
We use the newest devices that gently rejuvenate the skin and remove aesthetic shortcomings - from small vessels to unwanted hairs.
- Photorejuvenation
- Jet Peell
- RF-lifting and 3 deep technology
- Microcurrent therapy
- Needle and electrode electrolypolysis
- Ultrasonic liposuction
- Microdermabrasion
- Radio wave scalpel
Laser cosmetology
Laser techniques - one of the most effective ways to restore youth, get rid of excess and get the perfect body for many years. The skin cooling system in each of 11 lasers softens the procedure.
- Laser Hair Removal
- Fractional photothermolysis
- Treatment of acne
- Postoperative treatment
- Laser Peeling
- Grinding of scars
- Laser dermabrasion
- Treatment of pigmentation
- Vessel treatment
- Removal of tattoos and tattooing
- Laser biorevitalization
- Treatment of nail fungus
- Removal of tumors
- Laser skin rejuvenation
To achieve results quickly and efficiently, for each procedure we use the most suitable kind of laser:
- Diode lasers MeDioStar XT and MeDioStar NEXT PRO
- Erbium Lasers MCL-30 Dermablate and Harmony XL
- Neodymium Lasers QuadroStar +, TattooStar Y and Harmony XL
- Ruby laser TattooStar R
- CO2 lasers - Coscan and Lancet
- Alexandrit lasers Candela Gentle Pro and Incanto
Therapeutic procedures
If you start to maintain the health and beauty of the skin from youth, in the mature years you will not have to resort to plastic interventions.
- Peeling - mechanical, laser, chemical
- Face cleaning
- Masks
More details about cosmetology techniques
Convenient integrated programs
We have developed special programs, through which you will get more services for less money and solve specific aesthetic problems.