Vascular Surgery
The field of surgery, dealing with the treatment of blood and lymphatic vessels. A modern vascular surgeon (otherwise called an angiosurgeon) is increasingly using minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment of vessels that do not require large incisions, are minimally traumatic and very effective.
The vascular surgeon can save from serious consequences of vascular diseases - Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers, potency disorders, leg amputation, acute renal failure, stroke, vascular rupture, etc.
The management of vascular surgery are
- Various diseases of the arteries: endarteritis - inflammation of the internal wall of the arteries, obliterating atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries due to atherosclerotic layers, aneurysm - local expansion of the artery,
- Diseases of veins - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc. This area of vascular surgery is called phlebology.
Center of Vascular Surgery in the network of clinic "Lukmoni Hakim"
Vascular surgery is one of the priority activities of our medical center. We pay great attention to the treatment of varicose veins, as in Tajikistan, more than 30 million people suffer from various forms of varicose veins, 15% of whom have trophic disorders. And in 35% of people over 60years develop diseases of the magistral arteries.
Ultrasound duplex angioscanning with color coding blood flow is the best way to diagnose vascular disease. Ultrasound methods accurately diagnose the condition of the arterial venous bed, allow the doctor to choose the most appropriate treatment. All these methods are used in our Center.
Vascular surgeons in the network of clinic "Lukmoni Hakim" own the whole spectrum of surgical care used for vascular pathology, from sclerotherapy to minimally invasive endovascular stenting
Only in the network of clinic "Lukmoni Hakim" at the disposal of the vascular surgeon (angiosurgeon) there are special possibilities for the treatment of blood vessels - a unique system of extracorporeal hem-correction methods that allows to clean blood and vascular bed without surgery.
We do:
- Comprehensive clinical and ultrasound examination of the vascular system: arteries and veins.
- Development of a program of drug therapy for vascular disease.
- Sclerotherapy with varicose veins of lower extremities.
- Operative interventions for varicose veins.
- Reconstructive vascular surgery in stenosing and occlusive lesions of the main arteries (atherosclerosis, aorto-arteritis).
- Operations of endovascular stenting in stenosing and occlusive lesions of the main arteries (atherosclerosis, aorto-arteritis).
- Restoration of the walls of blood vessels by the methods of gravitational blood surgery.
If you notice the pain in the calf muscles when walking, or your legs are "manifested" vascular mesh, if in the evening your legs become very tired and swollen, or you are diagnosed with varicose veins or atherosclerosis, without delaying contacting our vascular surgeons. Timely qualified care will prevent the development of life-threatening complications.
Diseases from the field of vascular surgery, which we treat:
- Phlebeurysm
- Post thrombophlebitic disease
- Radiofrequency obliteration of veins - Closure Fast
- Trophic ulcer
- Thrombophlebitis
- Chronic venous insufficiency